Monday, September 16, 2013

I'm such a complete.... !

Dear Mama K,
I'm such a complete failure! I've screwed up my life so badly, and made so many terrible mistakes. I'm so far gone, sometimes I feel like there's just no way back. Why even bother to try – there's no way I can go back and do it all over again, the right way. Is there any hope for me at this point?

Desperate and Lost


Hold on there, “Desperate!”

Back off just a little. Please.


Take a deep, cleansing breath.

Take a few more...

Now then. Ready?

Let's start at the beginning. You used an “F” bomb there that I just will not tolerate from you – or anyone else! No one walking this earth is a complete failure. In fact, I think that's a contradiction in terms. Think about it – if you were really a TOTAL failure, then you would have succeeded at failing, which would make that a success!

And there is simply NO way I'll accept that kind of language from you, anyway. You're how old? Twenty-three?

If we can't make mistakes, large and small, when we're young, then when exactly should we make them? When we're forty? Fifty? Sixty? I think it makes a lot more sense to “screw up” when we're young, and still getting a handle on life than when we're past the half-way mark. Believe me, we're human. We are GOING to make mistakes. Big ones. Little ones. Some that we don't even realize as we make them.

And please believe me – I'm pushing sixty, and I'm still very, very adept at making mistakes.

Now then. You don't explain what your horrible mistakes are, and why they make you feel despondent. But, for the sake of argument, let's say they are Biggies. You know, maybe even some of the Seven Deadlies. Remember them? I'll refresh your Sunday School memory for just a moment. According to the book of Proverbs, we have wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

Okay then. So... have you been angry? Wanting? Lazy? Proud? Horny? Jealous? Have you even over-indulged? I have. I've done 'em ALL. (See? Once again, if you have, as well, you're a success! Scored 100%.) Now, far be it from me to pooh-pooh the Bible, but seriously... all of these things are common to humans. (Most likely why the Bible says they are so very wrong.) I'm not saying they are GOOD. They are HUMAN. And, all humans – I mean ALL of us, even the best person you can imagine, has done at least ONE of these so-called “deadly” things. (Kind of why the Bible mentions repentance and forgiveness, I'd say.)

Now then. Whatever it is you have done, whatever shortcoming you believe you have demonstrated, whatever sin you believe you've committed, please stop thinking it is the end of life as you know it. Not a single one of these things I've mentioned is uncorrectable. Not one. 

Let's take a step back, okay? You're being so very hard on yourself. All is not lost. YOU are not Lost. You might be desperate, which is a terrible thing to feel. And you might be at the end of your rope – but I believe you can hang on a tiny bit longer. Long enough to realize that the ground is right under your feet, if only you'll look. You're being so cruel to yourself – and you would never, ever be that cruel to your best friend. So, let's take a step back. Pretend that we're talking about your best friend. Your best friend ever.

If she came up to you and said any of these things, would you beat her up like you're beating yourself up?

“I'm pregnant.”

“I'm addicted to (caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, meth, etc.).”

“I was so ticked off that I slapped ________.”
 “I'm the best thing ever. I can do no wrong.”

“I hate Susie Q. I wish I had what she has.”

“I haven't cleaned my house or even taken a shower in a week.”

Seriously – would you turn your back on your best friend for doing or feeling any of these things? Of course not. You'd talk to her. You'd reach out to her. You'd correct her, if she needed it. You'd hug her.

That's what I wish I could do right now. Hug you. Whatever you have done, it's done. You're right. We can't go back and undo things. We can't. Now then, since you can't go back and re-do whatever brought you to this point, what can you do?

Good question.

First, you can stop beating yourself up with hopelessness, because that isn't going to change the past, either. Then, maybe, just maybe, you can accept the fact that you're a human being. By nature, you're going to make mistakes. But you're also going to make a difference in the lives that you touch. Remember that. Humans are fallible. But they are treasures, too.

I know you love music – and, in particular, Hard Rock. So I propose that, just for a few minutes, you think of Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan, from Avenged Sevenfold. I'm pretty sure that if I'm familiar with him, you are, too. He got caught in a downward spiral that took over his life, even as he was trying to escape it. 
I'm so proud of him for realizing where it was leading, and trying to get out of it. As you might know, his physical heart was flawed and weak, and it gave out at the tender age of 28, never to beat again. In part, because it was flawed, and no one knew it. In part, because the lifestyle he was living took a great toll on it. And it was tragic. At times, he most likely did feel as desperate as his lyrics sounded. Now think a moment. Did he touch your life? Did at least one of their songs reach your heart? Was his life wasted?

By no means.

And neither is yours, my friend. Neither is yours.

You have touched me in many ways – with your contagious smile, with your sense of fun, with your generous heart that is so very vulnerable. Maybe that's what has brought you to this point, huh? Being human also means being vulnerable. We all hurt, we all suffer to some extent, we all die. We are born as vulnerable as can be. Then we hit that phase where we feel absolutely indestructible, right? Oh, I remember that phase! (Sometimes quite fondly, sometimes thanking God I made it through.) And now, you're in a new phase. The phase where you are so very, very aware that you are, as Teilhard de Chardin said, “a spiritual being having a human experience.”

Now, please. Please. PLEASE.

Whatever it is that you've done, said, or felt, that has brought you to this point, do not consider the action a definition of YOU. It is not your “definition.” You are not simply the sum total of the things you have done in your life. None of us is only that. We are complex, fascinating, dazzling beings full of gifts, talents, and, oh, yes – weaknesses. But one thing you are NOT, my dear, is whatever it is you have done. Whichever of the Seven Deadlies you might have committed, even if all of them – that isn't YOU. It's just something you've done. 
You are not the grade on your term paper. 
You aren't even the term paper! 
You're the writer – the crafter – the creator. That's what you are.

Now then... maybe you have some things to deal with. Addiction? (I hope not, but it's still something that can be dealt with.) Pregnant? (Again, I hope not, but there are answers.) Lust? Greed? Envy? Anger? Whatever it is, there is one thing that I think is far worse – your idea that your situation is hopeless. There is always room for hope. Hope is truly eternal. Hope is what makes you get up in the morning (or whenever), no matter what happened the night before. (I know, sometimes it's your bladder that makes you do that, but please let me have this one.)

Hope and a smile.

And a hug.

That's what I beg, beg, beg you to please find today. I don't even ask that you find the answer to your unnamed problem right now. Just hope. And a smile. Even if it makes your face crack. Find SOMETHING or SOMEONE that makes you smile. And let it happen. Smiling is natural. ALL people all over the world smile. Please. Today, be one of them. It lights up your face like a spotlight shot through a diamond. 
Please do that for me today. If nothing else, look at a picture of Jonathan. I have yet to meet a person who can't smile back at that beautiful, innocent face.

And then remember who you are to him. You are someone who has made HIM smile. You have given HIM the gift of hope. You can't give someone something that you don't have.

There it is! I see it. Right there... look! Your Hope. See it? You just forgot where you'd put it.

I love you.

Please, no matter what, please love you, too. 

Mama K

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